Tuesday, November 15, 2011

:O Secret Shopping!?!?

recently i have gotten into Secret Shopping! WOW.. I honestly thought it was a SCAM ... but then again anything that you see around the net is a scam. There are a few REAL sites out there, you pay nothing to join.. and unlike my gpt and ptc and survey sites.. these do require personal information.. like your social.. and they require flawless and detailed writing skills.. i of which am really bad at!

Butttt.. . that is exactly what Microsoft Word's right click is for right? anywho..

i will let you know what some great secret shopping sites are.. n those who become secrete shoppers are sworn to secrecy! tell no one especially the store you are shopping at that an agency has sent you.. :D

will tell you more about that soon.. have been doing a lot of work for my ClickorSignup gpt site.. want to stay and win the end of that year contests! so minimal work here is a minus :(

Wish me LUCK!!!

hope to be winning at least 500 hundred dollars by the end of December YAY
AWESOME.. who wouldnt want 500 bucks :D

ttys xoxo's to all