Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Another post about TRAINN

Alrighty! so here is the deal... TRAINN aka YourNintendoWii4Free
is not A SCAM! I am having too much trouble trying to explain to someone how this works... Its easy let me tell you... To get an easy 250 dollars, you much referr 5 'qualifying' members.

How do you make sure you will be qualified...
1.when you click on the banner and register, you must ENTER REAL information, or you will never get paid....
2.Choose your prize... from bundles of NintendoWii or 250 cash.
3.You then have the option to choose either become a referring member (what i am) or a points member you work for yourself earning points for every offer you do till you reach the cash out ammount needed for you prize.
4. Get friends and fam and anyone else to sign up for you and do just one offer from List A or do 2 offers from  List B that add up to 50 points.

The low down on offers, offers range from approval of credit cards to registering for prepaid cards, buying simple products or doing a FREE TRIAL (my favorite of course) no need for money to be spent on these...
just make sure to cancel your trial before it runs out so you will avoid getting charged.

THATS IT, not complicated at all!

Ive been doing offers for a few years now and they do pay!
I wish people would believe me though :\\


  1. Good luck! I participate at their sites too. Definitely know it's legit :)

    1. Thank you!!! I have yet to get my 5 signups LOL! i quit trying to convince people its legitimate
