Thursday, September 20, 2012



I was very excited to be invited to the Unreal Bzzcampaign.

This candy is hard to find. There are only a few stores that carry it and even when you find those stores, the candy is limited. I found my candy at Walgreens.

 I bought three flavors. The first was the peanut butter cups, the second was the M & M type candy and finally the snickers type candy. I first tried the peanut butter cups and was delighted. The peanut butter is smoother than a traditional reeses peanut butter cup and less sweet. It taste like peanut butter and not a sugary peanut butter candy. It was delicious. Next I tried the M & M type. The colors are a little off putting. I understand with out artificial colors you can't replicate the bright colors but the look a little putrid. If you can get past that they taste wonderful. They have more of a dark chocolate flavor then traditional M & M's. I actually think I prefer them. Finally was the snickers bar type. With this being my favorite candy bar, I was convinced that Unreal could not match this candy. Well I was wrong. The candy bar is almost denser and has a purer taste. Which seems to be the running theme with all Unreal candy.

They ARE better than a snickers bar. Overall I was very impressed with Unreal candy.

 However if I were to be asked if I would purchase it again the answer would probably be IF I WAS REALLY CRAVING IT. I found the price to be too expensive! I would much rather pay less for the original candy. The fact that the candy is natural is not a huge selling point for me. It is not low fat, low calorie or low carb. Basically delicious candy with nothing artificial but very expensive.

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